Comprehensive Community Pan (CCP)
- Lands & Governance
- Comprehensive Community Plan

Geh-zhe Naak-ko-ne-geh-ing
"How We Will Rule"
Comprehensive Community Planning (CCP) is a process which looks at the holistic development of community and ensures that the membership is involved in decision making for the overall direction of the First Nation. BNA’s CCP draft has been completed and presented to the members. BNA worked with a committee of 5 members which was struck to complete the sections in prior years. Due to COVID and turnover, the CCP was put on hold for a period of time. In early 2023, the CCP started movement again, and below are all the updates.
CCP Update
Project Update - What's happened recently:
- Previous CCP Coordinator and CCP Committee members completed in-depth discussions on the 8 CCP topics. (2021 – 2022)
Information shared via website, Facebook, and Newsletter
Youth discussion on CCP held in March 2023 and in August 2023.
Elders (and seniors) CCP discussion held in May 2023.
Jake & Nokiiwin CCP Advisor Lisa Haessler have presented a draft CCP Framework to the members in November 2023.
Final CCP presented at March, 2024 Community Meeting
- Mailing of CCP summarized booklet for Spring 2024
Our CCP Topics & Targets:

Gi-Dakiiminaan (Traditional Lands)
Objective: As inhabitants, stewards, and caretakers of our Traditional Lands since time immemorial, we will oversee and guide activities in our traditional territory to sustain it for all future generations to enjoy and thrive on.
Targets & Outcomes:
- Cultural education & restoration through land-based learning, events and activities for members
- Prosperity & Jobs through Land-based business opportunities (e.g. birch syrup, cedar oil, tourism ventures)
- Protect & Preserve through mapping, documenting,monitoring and ensuring sustainable resource gathering practices
- Management of Lake Nipigon & Lake Nipigon Forest with neighbouring First Nations
- Proactive, leading voice at the table with Government and Industry in all resource development and infrastructure projects
- Locate, protect and honor culturally significant sites (BNA Legacy Project)

Weshkut Anishinaabe Biimadiziwin (History & Culture)
Objective: As the original inhabitants of these lands, we will restore, document and share our history, reclaim our stories and protect our ways for future generations
Targets & Outcomes:
- Expand land-based learning and traditional skills programs so members can practice living Mino-Bimaadiziwin
- Engage our Elders and Knowledge Keepers to share the stories of those who lived at Sand Point and document them for future generations to learn
- Include cultural protocols and teachings in our programs, meetings and community gatherings
- Establish a museum and art gallery space at Sand Point to teach visitors
- BNA Legacy Project – protection and ceremonies for historial burial sites
- Build a cultural centre and roundhouse at Sand Point
- Promote, practice and teach Anishinaabemowin

Waakaa’igin (Housing)
Objective: As we rebuild in Sandpoint, we will develop safe, sustainable, flexible and fair housing options so all who wish to live in community can do so.
Targets & Outcomes:
- Secure/advocate for more funding to restore whatwas lost and keep pace with demand
- Develop a diversity of housing options to meet variety of needs: single homes, duplexes, multiplexes, apartments
- Fair housing policies applied and enforced consistently
- Sustainable home designs – durable, energy efficient, flexible, locally sourced materials,biomass heating
- Seasonal & temporary accommodations for staff /workers/contractors/community members
- Reduce barriers to living on the land: Elders complex, emergency housing, social housing, accessible housing

Zhooniyaa Maachitawin (Economic Development)
Objective: As innovative and resourceful people, we will manage our economic growth and opportunities in alignment with community needs and values to realize our dream of financial self-sustainability.
Targets & Outcomes:
- Expand Papasay: more staff, revenue generation andheavy equipment fleet
- Work together with neighbouring First Nations to maximize opportunities and leverage negotiating power with Industry and Government
- Expansion of Papasay Value-Added Wood Products (PVAWP) to create more jobs and produce house-building materials at Sand Point
- On-reserve employment and workforce readiness strategies
- Pursue Tourism opportunities: Virgin Island, Blue Lake Resort, 5-star Resort, Nature and fishing guided tours
- Active involvement in and economic benefit from Mining, Energy, Forestry, Highway development projects in region

Aki Machiitawin (Community Lands & Development)
Objective: As a community beginning again, we will manage our development through laws, strategies and community input to balance residential, commercial, recreational and community service demands.
Targets & Outcomes:
- Finalize custom laws (MRP, EPL) and ensure membersare well-educated on their meaning & implications
- Expand the Lands Department with more staff and resources to manage development
- Re-establish and maintain Emergency Management Services at Sand Point/along the Corridor
- Sustainable home designs – durable, energy efficient, flexible, locally sourced materials, biomass heating
- Re-ratify the Land Code
- Develop community gathering and recreational spaces
- Increase Land-based learning and traditional skill/activities available to all members

Ogimah Naaknigewin Ogimah Ozhibii’igewin (Governance & Administration)
Objective: As a community beginning again, we will manage our development through laws, strategies and community input to balance residential, commercial, recreational and community service demands.
Targets & Outcomes:
- Regularly review & update our policies and procedures (Finance, Human Resources,Governance, Health & Safety)
- Expand our staffing in Finance, Human Resources, IT and Governance
- Develop, implement and regularly update CCP
- Implement Asset Management Plan
- Engage our members in community buildingthrough committees and volunteering
- Implement employee retention and development strategies, celebrate our staff and recognize their excellent work

Tawin Meno-Ayawin (Health & Wellness)
Objective: As a caring community, we aim for all members to have good quality-of-life through programs and services that serve their physical, spiritual, emotional and mental health at all stages of life
Targets & Outcomes:
- Long-term care and housing for Elders at Sand Point
Expanded Family Well-Being Team and programs (urban and on-reserve) - Health centre at Sand Point reopened and staffed
- Renewal of emergency management services (paramedic, fire, police) in the community
- Mental health counselling and crisis housing for those in need
- Lots of active outdoor recreation and organized sports opportunities
- Programs and services to support new parents and families with young children
- Treatment and support programs for those struggling with substance use issues

Chikaapiigesii Chiigun (energy & Infrastructure)
Objective: As a First Nation that values fairness and transparency, we will continually strengthen our governance, finance and administration operations through both traditional ways and modern best practices
Targets & Outcomes:
- Sustainable energy investment: utilizing solar,wind, geothermal and biomass heating as much as possible
- Growing local population at Sand Point – balancing short-term solutions to address immediate needs with long-term development goals (reliable utilities,safe roadways, EMS accessibility)
- Water, sewage and waste management services
- Robust and reliable Public Works Department to keep community clean and safe
- Commercial & Industrial zone development – to support members requests for business at Sandpoint(see also Community Lands)
- Emergency back-up systems for all buildings at Sand Point
What's Next for our CCP?
- Continue to seek input from community members on the draft framework
- Begin finalizing the CCP into a final report
- Chief, Council, Staff & Managers review and approve CCP final report
- CCP formally launched before March, 2024
- Implementation of strategic actions continues
- Quarterly check-in with community on CCP progress & priorities